Bible TV HD TV is a German-language television station with a 24-hour program, which is based in Hamburg and largely financed by donations. Henning Röhl was Managing Director until early 2013.
Matthias Brender has been the sole managing director of Bible TV HD since the beginning of 2013. The 24-hour program of Bible TV HD consists of reports, documentaries, Bible TV HD readings, sermons and counseling programs as well as discussion groups and talk shows that deal with topics from all Christian backgrounds In addition, children's series, television and feature films (mainly from Italian and German, some from American production) as well as Christian music programs from classical to pop are broadcast.
There are few in-house productions, like the Bible TV HD interview, and most of the contributions are cheap to free. Individual programs are created with partners. The standard program includes the two Jesus films based on Luke (1979) and Matthew (South Africa 1993, in four parts). The members of Bible TV HD represent different denominations and theological views.
In order to avoid the resulting conflicts, it was initially decided not to broadcast any services. Regular worship records have only been part of the program since March 2009 and are currently being carried out by the Ziegler Institutes, the ERF Media, the Evangelical Media House and Hour of Power Much of the program is carried out by various small program partners, some with a national church and free church background.
The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) makes a larger number of program contributions, and there are also contributions from Catholic production companies. Biblische Fernsehen has been cooperating with the Catholic Domradio since 2016 and transmits the early mass from Cologne Cathedral and other Catholic broadcasts live from the Paulus Cathedral and the Cologne Cathedral every working day at 8 a.m.
The remaining services are sent as records. The annual Thanksgiving services for the launch of Bible TV HD will also be broadcast live: bible tv, bibel tv mediathek, bibel tv program, bibel tv live, bibel tv today, bibel tv app, bibel tv musik, bibel tv series, bibel tv worship bible tv impuls bible tv feature film