Deutsche Welle (DW) is the international broadcaster of the Federal Republic of Germany and a member of ARD. The German locations are in Bonn and Berlin, with Bonn acting as the seat of the public law institution. It is broadcast in around 30 languages. For a long time, the programs were broadcast exclusively on short and medium waves.
Today, the program provider uses shortwave broadcasts, satellite broadcasts [4], Internet live streams and, in some countries, the local FM band. Deutsche Welle now works on trimedial television (DW-TV), radio and Internet ( The journalist Peter Limbourg has been director of Deutsche Welle since October 1, 2013.
According to Section 4 of the Deutsche Welle Act, DW is responsible for [6] making Germany understandable as a cultural nation that has grown across Europe and a democratic constitutional state with a free structure - and to promote overall understanding and exchange between cultures and peoples. This makes it one of the bearers of the foreign cultural policy of the Federal Republic of Germany.
DW itself plans its tasks for a period of four years, updated annually (Section 4a DWG). It forwards this task planning to the German Bundestag and the Federal Government after the Federal Government has decided on the next federal budget and financial plan.
DW then decides on this task planning through the Broadcasting Council with the consent of the Administrative Council and taking into account the statements of the Bundestag, the Federal Government and the interested public.
The planning is supplemented by an ongoing evaluation, on which a report is created for every four-year planning period the program design and responsible for the entire operation of the establishment.
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