L1 is a public regional television and radio channel in the Dutch province of Limburg. In L1 mainly Limburgish and Dutch are spoken.
The first regional radio station in Limburg, Regionale Omroep Zuid (ROZ), began broadcasting on December 24, 1945. Until 1989, ROZ was part of the Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (NOS). When the new Media Law came into force in 1988, under which the NOS divested several services, including its Facilitair Bedrijf, which merged with the Dutch Broadcasting Company (NOB), the ROZ (as well as all the other regional broadcasters broadcasting under the US flag) came into force. it continued as an independent regional broadcaster under the new name Omroep Limburg.
In January 1997, the commercial station TV8 Limburg started broadcasting. Omroep Limburg followed up later that year with public regional television. Due to shortages on the regional cable network, both stations had to share their frequencies. The channel was used by Omroep Limburg from 07:15 to 19:15 and TV8 Limburg broadcast from 19:15 to 07:15 the next morning.
Because the Media Authority had determined that the picture had to be black for half an hour between the two stations, an unfeasible situation arose. The fact that two different stations on the same 'network' broadcast an equivalent program also gave rise to discussions for close collaboration. These discussions led to the fact that in June 1999 the stations began to work together in the new public/private company L1 Radio y Televisión.
There could be no talk of a legal merger, because the Media Law did not allow a public broadcaster to merge with a commercial broadcaster. Since September 2014, L1 has been providing news, sports, weather and traffic through the 1Limburg brand (web and app). Until the beginning of 2017, 1Limburg was a partnership with the Limburg daily newspapers 1Limburg.